Steering Wheel

From some photos on the net I found that the steering wheel is angled 12 degrees from vertical. Mark a 12 degree line on the cutoff piece that came out of the cockpit. Mark it at a scale 'knuckle scraping' distance from the dashboard.

Steering Wheel Angle

Draw a parallel line for the thickness of the wheel, make it thick enough for strength as this is all end grain. Mark a step where the steering column goes to give it a gluing surface. In the picture, the clear area within the hash marked areas will become the blank for making the steering wheel.

Steering Wheel Cut Lines

Set the table saw at 12 degrees and the depth to the steering column line. Use the remains of a side cutoff to keep the work piece square as you cut the notch across the work piece. Then raise the saw blade and cut off the whole width of the steering wheel blank.

Steering Wheel Blank

Scaling down from my 1959 Plus 4 the steering wheel for the model should be 2" diameter and should stick up above the bonnet by 5/16". Since I was using a piece of heart wood I centred the steering wheel on the centre of the rings then cut the circle with a coping saw.

Cutting Wheel

To hide the gluing surface, remove wedges from both sides of the back of the steering wheel.

Cutting Wheel Back

Wheel Cut Out

Checking Wheel\'s Fit

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