
I got a plan for the windscreen by drawing a projection of it on the blueprint.

Projected Windscreen

Windscreen Plans

Make a jig by cutting the windscreen shape in a 1x4. Cut two lengths of chair cane, soak them in water for several minutes then clamp them in the jig to dry for a few days. Using the jig to support them, glue the pieces together to form the upper and lower parts of the windscreen frame.

Windscreen Jig

Gluing Windscreen

The chair cane does not hold its shape very well. I received a suggestion that bamboo would make a good frame. Heating it over a soldering iron will make it bendable. I'll update here when I try it.

I had no luck with bending bamboo. All I got was split bamboo and burnt split bamboo.

Next idea, I laminated up a rectangle from curls from planing a piece of the Hop Hornbeam. The curls were steam ironed and then pressed between two boards for a week to flatten them. Then I built up the layers on wax paper to about 1/16" thick then put more wax paper on top and clamped it all between two boards. After the glue set I cut out the windscreen shape with a coping saw, and shaved and sanded the bottom edge to fit on the scuttle. Two sided tape holds it in place (for a while).

New Laminated Windscreen

The answer is to make a cross cut with a radial arm saw set to the angle of the windscreen's slope just after the band sawing of the body out of the block. When you have the pieces to ensure a square alignment on the saw. Then a piece of 1/8" ply would make a robust windscreen. (Maybe next time)

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